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The Kids Bike Trophy powered by Sportland Niederösterreich is a series of cycling races for young cyclists. Various clubs have joined forces with great support from Sportland Niederösterreich to promote young cyclists in Lower Austria. Whether on a balance bike or already on a racing bike. Participation is free for all children.


The first competition is held in the form of a circuit race directly in the start and finish area. Depending on the age of the child, there are circuits of different lengths to complete. However, it is not just speed that is required of the kids, but also skill. The second competition takes the form of a skills course. Here, 2 laps with various obstacles have to be mastered, which have to be circumnavigated correctly. There is no winner for the skill course, as each participant receives 2 points for each lap completed. Points are also awarded for the circuit. Whoever has the most points at the end is the winner of the event.

Registration is now open via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and is limited to 30 riders per category. The children's competitions as part of the Wachau Cycling Days are organized by the Union Radrennteam Pielachtal.



Photos: Alexander Mersdorf & Sportograf (www.sportograf.com)